Welcome To Egypt Media

What Do We Offer

Media Production
Artistic Production
Product Photography
Organizing Parties and Festivals
Web Design
Social Media

The company works on making your business a success on all of your marketing services's.

Product photography

We work on photographing all customer products with the latest capabilities's.

Artistic and cinematic production

We are working on producing cinematic and short films's.

Our Working Process

Our process on creating awesome projects.
  • 1. Concept

    Study and knowledge of the market and study of competitors to make a professional advertising campaign.

  • 2. Prepare

    Determine the budget required to run the campaign.

  • 3. Retouch

    The advertisement must be viewed and viewed in the various stages of its preparation, and time must be taken into account and a timetable for work must be put in place and those schedules must be dealt decisively.

  • 4. Finalize

    You must evaluate the advertisement and know its needs in terms of developing, changing and monitoring the advertising campaign, as well as comparing sales before, during and after your advertising campaign.


    Projects Completed


    Happy Customers


    Production and photography


    Social Media

    Our Portfolio.

    A creative agency that believes in the power of creative ideas and great design.

    Meet The Team

    Our process on creating awesome projects.

    Our web design team will spend time with our digital marketing team.

    Social Media Design

    Our web design team will spend time with our digital marketing team.

    Social Media Design

    Our web design team will spend time with our digital marketing team.

    The Art of Design

    Our web design team will spend time with our digital marketing team.

    Product photography

    Our web design team will spend time with our digital marketing team.

    Product photography

    Our web design team will spend time with our digital marketing team.

    Product photography

    Get in Touch

    Feel free to drop us a line to contact us



    لا تتردد في الاتصال

    تعمل شركة ايجبت ميديا للدعاية والاعلان والانتاج الفني والاعلامي وتنظيم الحفلات على تقديم افكار وحلول غير تقليدية من اجل نجاح نشاطك التجاري وايجاد عملاء جدد من خلال طرح العديد من الافكار وطرق تسويق.المنتج والنشاط التجاري. كذلك نساعدك على اختيار افضل الخامات لتنفيذ اعمالك وكذلك استخدام افضل تكنولوجيا الطباعة المتوفره لدينا.

    • New Damietta City / Abu al-Khair/Street 13.
    • 01141900799 - 01008222974
    • egyypt.mediaa@gmail.com
    • www.egyptmediacompany.com
